Dynamic Balance East Asian Medicine

About Me

My first career is a registered nurse. I wanted to be a nurse in order to gain the skills to help people feel better when they are sick. This lead me to study nursing at the University of Massachusetts and obtained my bachelor of science in nursing. Following graduation I worked in the hospital settings taking care of the very ill. During my years working as an RN I gained a deeper understanding of the experience of illness and the meaning of medicine. I learned that illness isn’t just strictly a problem with the physical and biological body. When the physical body is sick it affects our emotional and mental state. The opposite is also true. When the mind is tired, the body suffers. Western medicine, I realized after several years of practicing as an RN, does not address the whole being. This then lead me to pursue the study of Chinese medicine at Bastyr University. The beauty of this medicine is that it sees a person as an ecosystem. When one part of it is not well, it has a negative impact on the other. Not only does the treatment principles of Chinese medicine address the person holistically, the methods by which it treats illness is natural and gentle in the forms of acupuncture, herbs, massage, lifestyle changes. It truly is a great medicine. 

Today I divide my time working as a hospice nurse and practicing acupuncture. It brings me joy to be a part of people’s journey in healing and be able to help become their optimal self.